Group Details


The Guildford Repeater Group was formed to provide the UHF repeaters GB3GF and GB7GF for the use of all amateur radio operators in and around the Guildford area. The group is non profit making and all donations and subscriptions are used to fund the running costs of the equipment.

As with all amateur radio repeaters in the U.K. any licenced operator is able to make use of GB3GF and GB7GF. However regular users are asked to consider either making a donation or becoming a member of the Guildford UHF Repeater Group to ensure that we can continue to provide this service.

Membership of the group is £10 per year or £100 for life.

Please click one of the following to download a membership application.

Membership_form.doc                  Membership_form.pdf

Alternatively if you would like to pay by Paypal please click on the Donate button below.
Ensure you enter your Callsign, Name, Address and the fact that you are applying for membership in the
'Add comments for the committee' option during the process.

Please send any other membership enquiries to the Secretary, or any of the committee members.

On the 25th of May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation comes into effect. Please click here to read the group's statement.

The Guildford Repeater group committee is currently made up of the following people:-

Chairman:- Tony G6ZAC

Secretary:- Alex G6ZPR

Treasurer:- Vacant (Currently handled by Colin G4EML)

Engineer (GB3GF Licence holder) :- Colin G4EML

2nd Engineer:- Philip G4EFT

Members Rep:- David G1MAL

The group holds an annual General meeting each year at which the committee are elected.

The group also holds occasional meetings at various locations around Guildford. Contact Tony for details.


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